Friday 25th April

Stacks Image 5105

Tickets £18

What a joy to be bringing these fantastic people back to Moira! They knocked our socks off on their last visit, so let's get ready for another thrilling night!

Multi-award winning Merry Hell offer joyful, uplifting folk-rock, with a message for troubled times. Native to the North-West of England, the 8-piece musical charabanc was fuelled from the embers of the much-loved folk-punk band The Tansads, before developing a life and feel all of its own. Their energy and passion are complemented by their love of what they do and desire to share hope and togetherness with as many people as are willing to listen.

Through 7 well-received albums and hundreds of gigs, they’ve offered voices of hope and beacons of light to anyone valuing spirit, energy, melody and positive humanity.

Friday 23rd May

Stacks Image 5125

Tickets £14

BBC Folk Awards Best Musician nominee Dan Walsh combines ‘virtuoso playing and winning songwriting’ (MORNING STAR). Describing what Dan does is no easy task but at the heart of it is British, Irish and American folk music delivered with a healthy dose of funky grooves – all performed with his unique and dazzling take on clawhammer style banjo helping to challenge all preconceptions about the instrument.
Add to all that poignant songs, astonishing musical departures and lively humour and the result is a truly memorable live show which has wowed audiences across the world from intimate seated rooms to huge dancing crowds in festival fields.
Dan is a Moira favourite, and there's no surprise in that. Everything about him shouts out "TALENT" and such a lovely guy to boot!

Friday 13th June

Stacks Image 5134

Tickets £14

The richness provided by the accordion, powerful rhythm guitar and bodhran give a fullness of sound that belies the number of people on stage and with a repertoire encompassing fast and furious Celtic songs and tunes, gentle ballads and quality contemporary numbers by the likes of Christy Moore, Eric Bogle and Ewan MacColl as well as some original material, this East Midlands based band are one of the most sought after on the circuit.
The band was formed in 1983 with vocalist Tony Duga, being one of the original line-up. Since then, Kellys Heroes have even recently played tours of Malta and Thailand and have played to audiences including 40,000 people at the Glasgow Mayfest, 25,000 at the Heineken Big Top with The Pogues, a Chateau in France for a very exclusive birthday party and to 6 people in a kitchen for a family celebration as well as just about every other type of event you can imagine in between!

Friday 5th September

Stacks Image 5194

Tickets £18

Oh yes! They are marauding their way back to Moira!

Friday 7th November

Stacks Image 5206

Tickets £14

We are so pleased to have these lovely guys back in Moira.